Hitting the Road

Well, here we go. We’re packing bags and stuff into the RV and getting ready to head out. We’ve planned for this trip since before our oldest was born, but still no planning can plan everything. Really, we were going to start this trip in the spring of 2020… but, well, that didn’t happen along with everything else we had “planned” for the year! So, we’ve regrouped and here we are in 2021. Things still aren’t perfect for a trip like this, but we’re confident we can do it safely because it turns out living on the road in an RV is a pretty isolated way to go about things.

What can you expect in the near future? Our plan is to post as we go, sharing stories about what we discover along the way. The primary goal of this trip has been for our kids’ American History, but to do so in an experiential way – seeing and experiencing America rather than just reading about it in a book. It’s also particularly timely given where our country is at these days with such division. It doesn’t feel like a United States of America right now but more like a Divided States of America. We’re excited for our kids and ourselves to get past the news cycle and see the people of our country, see the places, and find what unites us through experiencing all the variety our nation has to offer.

So, follow along with us and we hope to meet many of you on the road as we make our journey, and as safety allows!